EVOLVED: Feminine - Whole - Healing
6-week Personal Transformation Program for Women Entrepreneurs & Career Professionals
Feminine | Whole | Healing
Something must change and it's you. 
I joined EVOLVE after leaving my employer of 16 years to run my business full-time. I've been on my professional journey for 3 years-but knew that I needed a deeper connection to my soul. I needed ME more than ever, that's when I gave my credit card information.

During the first couple of sessions in EVOLVE, I knew that I needed an identity shift.

EVOLVE gave me the safe space with a sisterhood of nonjudgemental, compassionate and supportive women that help me unlearn old habits, accept new ways of living and to manifest my new identity.

24/7 access to the sessions, made learning easier to watch and implement. It's been 5 months now, I'm bolder that I've ever been, my relationship with my mother is healing, the grief of shedding the old version of me has disipated. I'm finally stepping into the powerful version of me.
Linda E.
Woman & CEO
"She said, work was her drug of choice."
My personal life was hollow, empty, full of unresolved trauma, and lacked true intimacy and joy, so I put all of my attention and time into my business. Work was my drug of choice.

When Aprille announced her new personal development program, I did not hesitate to raise my hand because I was at a point where all I wanted to do was run away from my life.

The problem: with so many years of just 'pushing through,' I was on the verge of having a major breakdown. Now that I've gone through Evolved, I can say that I truly have. I'm happier—truly happier—regardless of external circumstances. I have let go of control, which I did out of fear of being rejected. I take each moment as information, a loving nudge that guides me.

My circumstances have not changed, but I have, and that is changing everything.” Dee Scott
You gotta do something.
Are you a driven woman who feels like something is holding you back from really living your life? Do you secretly struggle with feelings of unworthiness, trauma, people pleasing, overthinking or spinning your wheels? 

You're basically tired of your own shit and want to go deeper into your inner work without feeling like you are "losing your mind.."

Evolved: feminine, whole and free, was designed specifically for women ready to breakthrough their personal blocks and overcome limiting beliefs, heal from past traumas, and develop a sense of self-worth that will allow you to live your life on your own terms.

One that exemplifies personal love, joy and freedom.

Through a combination of coaching, group support, and self-discovery exercises, you will learn how to identify and release the blocks that have been holding you back. 

You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your unique strengths and talents, allowing you to operate in your purpose and achieve success on your own terms.

This happens when you get honesty with yourself and put  feminine practices, in the real practice. 

I understand the challenges that you are facing, and I know how to help you overcome them. Whether you are dealing with overthinking, imposter syndrome, self-doubt, or a lack of clarity about your direction, I have the tools and techniques to help you EVOLVE.
“I was not motivated to work on myself, everything else felt more important.” 
I know what it’s like to overcompensate professionally in order to avoid things I needed to address in my personal life. I didn’t know I was doing this for years until I started to feel like I was just “working” and “neglecting” myself, family and things I enjoyed doing.
This is how I knew I had to invest in ME before I bought anything else for professional development:
  • Taking on too many projects - then complaining about not having time for myself later. 
  • Burning the candle at both ends and not having anything left for me at the end of the day - it felt suffocating. 
  • I rarely celebrated my successes because I felt like I had to keep “proving’ I was worthy of what I had already accomplished - like the target was always moving. 

Nothing was good enough to me - not even generating millions of dollars as a business coach. Everyone else was like, “you made it” and I was like – “did I?” 
There were things in my life I avoided that I really wanted answers too - so I created the space to discover them. 

Now I'm teaching and sharing my process with you. Truth is, you can evolve into a version of yourself you may not even know is possible. 

This is a great first step...
"The evolved version of me shows up for herself no matter what. Speaks her mind, and without caring what other people think. She is disciplined, and determined to go after what she wants. She works hard, and has focus. She knows what she wants, and she radiates confidence. She's successful and measures her success by measuring up against her own self, and not others." Dr. Denise Dennis
Our Foundation
What's included inside EVOLVED..
Bye-Bye Limiting Beliefs
Letting Go of Negative Self-Talk, Thoughts and Stepping into Your Divine Feminine Power
Healing Your Inner Goddess
Overcoming Past Traumas and Finding Inner Strength
Embodying the Woman Within
Cultivating Confidence and Self-Worth
Setting Big Girl Boundaries
Saying No and Prioritizing Your Needs like a Boss
Resilient As F*ck
Building Emotional Resilience and Bouncing Back from Setbacks
Mindfulness Mastery
Embracing Self-Care and Mindful Practices for Inner Peace and Long-term Happiness
Breakthrough Sessions
Get your real life, in real time questions/dilemmas answered. Next Co-hort in February 2024.
On-Demand Teachings
Easily access the materials your need 24/7 at your convienence.
Facebook Community
We all need a place to land and see that you aren't alone.
Member Success
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EVOLVED came around at a critical time, more critical than was known to me at the time I signed up. I was at a point where I knew I needed to do something different in order to ensure that my upcoming birthday would be another catalyst for change as my last year's birthday was. 

Plus, I was easily at a burnout point. Sheesh. Then 3 more shoes dropped right before the program started! Looking back, being a part of this 6-week experience was a game changer for me. It was the anchor I needed to bring me back to "Take care of YOU too, Kalvina."

I was READY READY to tap deeper into knowing and understanding MY wants and desires at this stage of life vs. what had been cast upon me from others. Ready to go deeper than all the titles that I carry - professional, caretaker, sister, daughter, leader, strong friend, auntie, etc. Who was Kalvina under all of that? 

What did I want year 42 of this journey to look like? Who did I want to BE on this leg of life's journey? What the hell had to be unlearned & unearthed for me to allow myself to BE? 

Going through EVOLVED truly helped to crack me open and reveal the answers to those questions.

I'm beyond grateful for these weeks of life-shifting experience.

Cause, trust… the Evolution continues!
Kali Rene'
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Being part of a community of high achieving, badass women who validate the complexity of life has been so uplifting. I thought I had support in my life (and I do!) but there's nothing like a group of like-minded women to lift you up.

I am very accustomed to holding it down in every area. Having this group to just come and relax and be myself as I evolve is exactly what I needed.

And I would add, when I say relax it doesn't mean be complacent because this group also inspires and pushes me in ways that other coaching has never.
Dr. Paige
3 payments of $500/mo 

Real women, real transformations.
 I love everything we have covered & discussed. I wouldn’t change a thing.

The community part is greater than I could’ve ever imagined.  It’s been such a pleasure getting to listen to everyone & witness their growth.

This has helped me in so many ways. Moving forward: I now pay attention. I’ll remember I’m a beam of light. Be more connected with my body. Know I always have a choice. Honor myself. Embrace my uniqueness.  Remind myself that I’m my primary project. Continue to work on changing the paths in my brain and become a mutha fuckin’ Lighthouse!!!!
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Professional, Mom
My greatest benefit thus far would probably be, slowing down. Realizing that the urgency that I felt was solely coming from me and taking time to care for myself again...
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Stacey Vee
CEO of a Travel Brand 
Meet Your Coach
Feminine Conscious Business Coach, Aprille Franks is the Founder of Women Recharged, parent to EPICWOMAN. As a master community builder, content creator and launch strategist to women entrepreneurs, she helps women operate within their divine feminine power.

Her super power is transforming the business and personal lives of the women connected to her.

Her ability to galvanize online communities through attraction content marketing is inspiring and duplicable through her coaching model, the Best of Both Worlds